Yoshiyuki Abe

- exhibition info -
November 9 - 14, 1992
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney, Australia

Communication - Dawn(1990)
Communication - Horizon(1991)
MathScene #906(1990)
Cibachrome prints 50x70cm

Communication - Dawn  |  Communication - Horizon
MathScene #906

exhibits are organizer's collection

In 1983, the quaternion images produced by Alan Norton shocked me with features that I had never imagined before. I felt I looked at the place I had to be. An unsatisfied photographer with real objects before the camera lens started his computer-imaging project immediately.
All works exhibited here were generated by raytracing algorithm and primitives of hyperbolic-paraboloids. Although we can define parameters such as colours, light sources, surface attributes and so on, it is hard to predict the exact result -- especially in abstracts provided by the complicated ray behaviour. Many trial images are needed in order to create a work. In fact, I produce numerous images in this time-consuming process. Nevertheless, because it is capable of producing images we have never seen before, math-based imaging is the only method I use in computer graphics.
- Yoshiyuki Abe (TISEA catalogue "Cultural Diversity in the Global Villege")

Cada um com sua musa... Para o japones Yoshiyuki Abe, não há nada mais belo que um gráfico. Hipérboles e parábolas são o forte de seu trabalho, algoritmizado do começo ao fim. O que não significa que Abe não seja um experimentalista. Sem gastar tinta, ele se dedica à pesquisa com seus materiais subjetivos. A busca de uma linguagem micreira impõe incontáveis "pinceladas" em bits & bytes.
-- Na verdade, faço muitas imagens de testes. São tantas as possibilidades que fica difícil adivinhar a forma final.
- Admar Branco (Informática ataca agora de `arteira'  O GLOBO,  25 Jan 1993)
Each one with its muse... For Yoshiyuki Abe, Japanese, it does not have nothing more beautiful than a graph. Hiperbola and parabola are the fort of its work, algorithm of the start to the end. What he does not mean that Abe is not an experimentalist. Without spending ink, it if he dedicates to the research with its subjective materials. The fetching of a language pc hacker imposes countless "pinceladas" in bits & bytes.
-- In the truth, I make many pictures of tests. The possibilities are as much that are difficult to guess the final form.
- Admar Branco (Computer science now attacks of `arteira '  the GLOBE, 25 Jan 1993)
(c)1990,1991,2013 YOSHIYUKI ABE